The creation of the ‘El Tesoro de la Concepción’ (The Conception Treasure) Sacred Art Museum in 2007 had as its main objective the reorganization of a valuable set of furnishings and objects that were grouped as exhibition-warehouse material, from the decade of the 1940s, in the upper rooms of the north sacristy, which once where the parish housing. At present, ‘El Tesoro’ occupies the main rooms of the temple: north sacristy with the anteroom and the Treasury room, the choir, the south sacristy and the chapter halls.
Considered one of the most significant collections in the Canaries, each of its pieces has religious, symbolic, anthropological, historical, artistic and aesthetic values that delight the visitor.
The distribution carried out in each of the museum rooms mainly attends to the typology of the exhibited works, whose clear end is the divine cult. Every grouping of pieces contains its own context, which emphasizes the grandeur Inherited through the centuries to worship God in liturgical actions.
The origin of this group of pieces is found in the purchases made by the parish with its construction funds from the early sixteenth century to the present day, donations by individuals and historical factors such as the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767 or the Mendizabal Confiscation, which most benefited this parish, after the exclaustration of the convents in 1835.
This museum, which shows the cultural and spiritual imprint that religious cult has left in the Parish of La Concepción, houses pieces of liturgical furniture, paintings, images, sacred vessels, monstrances, ornaments, chancels, etc.